niedziela, 10 sierpnia 2014

Woke up relatively early today. There is no time to waste and so much to gain.

Remember to keep yourself alive. There is nothing more important than that.

niedziela, 20 października 2013

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Why am I still fighting? Why can't I just accept what God wants for me...? I fail every time when I try to walk my own path... And I'm not just failing. I am failing big time. I remember when I said "God, I'll do everything you want, just give me a sign." And He gave me a sign not once, not twice but so many times. J.'s baby/M's suicide/Relationship with A. Sometimes it was almost scary, that He's actually listening to me. Trying to guide me. So what am I doing? I want to start praying again.

sobota, 12 października 2013

So....... basically it's been a fiasco. I should have ALWAYS listened to my instinct. But... never give up and just keep going (even with a terrible hangover.....)

First I am going to catch up on some sleep and then I've got a lesson plan to write. Yeayyyyyyyyy.

Today's inspirations:

Greece, cold frappe, 'kalimera', little white houses perched on gigantic rocks on hills....

And Tesol. That's why I am hoping that all the hard work (let's not exaggerate haha) will pay off one day. I don't really need much. Waking up to those stunning views would be satisfactory enough haha. 

wtorek, 8 października 2013

Time to start thinking in English again, mate! eyyyy

I'm off for a pint (or two)... not the healthiest option I know... I just hope it won't end up having a compulsion. I am gonna leave couple of lovely notes to myself for when I come back.

poniedziałek, 7 października 2013

Immodestly speaking, today's gone pretty well. I kicked the day off with a glass of hot lemon with honey, followed by a healthy breakfast. No binge eating. My body has been really swollen though, the gym's fault I reckon? 

I still have to learn how to fight procrastination though. And I know it's not gonna be easy lol. But then again if I really want to accomplish something at uni this year, I have to do my best and study hard. :S

niedziela, 6 października 2013